♥ Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Moving on... slowly but surely...
Hi guys, wonder if anyone still visit this blog... well, even though I may be the only reader (and writer), shall get on with the usual greetings.
Xmas has just passed. Prior to that, all of you should have 'visited' your secondary school and attended the very first orientation - talks by the P or VP, orientate around the school premise, sat in the 'supposed' class, met the 'supposed' classmates, say hi to frens fr ADMPS, saw the various CCAs, bought the books, uniforms etc. In short, you had your very first secondary school experience. There could be mixed feelings. Some of you felt excited and looked forward to the school opening. Others might feel intimidated by the new environment, friends, syllabus etc. Nevertheless, that will be your (new) 'home' for the next few years! So cheer up!
30 December 2009, Wednesday. Cool weather.
I visited our classroom today to do some cleaning up. Well, not exactly since the cupboards had been emptied some time back. I was thinking of moving the mini-shelf to my new classroom...(back to 3rd level again).... As my hands laid on the shelf, the dirt and dust that had been accumulated for ages glady transferred to a new 'home'. That's right, my hands were blackened immediately! I quickly left the shelf alone and rushed to the washing bay to clean my hands.
After the wash, I had my body turned against the bay. In front of me, I had the full view of the classroom. Yes, our 6RS classroom.
It was empty. The room was partially lit and I had only switched on the fans at the front row.
The tables and chairs were left exactly the same way... I slowly made my way to my seat. From my seat, I could recall clearly how everyone would have been seated. Within me, I connected everyone's name to the very table and chair. The images of you were rushing through my head - having lessons, talking to friends, doing the work, dozing off, dreaming away.... the moment seemed surreal!
Before anyone wondered if I had gone bonkers.. haha... yes, i was alone in the room. Alone I repeat. What I saw were memories of us in my head. To make it clear, I don't really miss the class... Hmmm...does it sound correct?.. haha.. I mean, i do miss the everyone but, knowing that everyone has gone on to the next stage of your life, I feel relieved and ... hmm... loss for words.... how about this, the sense of loss (some of you may call it sadness) has been 'converted' to a more pleasant feeling. No tears, just feel proud of you.
For how long did I stay in the class, I could not tell. It definitely was a while long.
Just like a song comes to an end, I was brought back to reality. Alone in the room, I gave the environment a few last glances and made my way to the door. As I was moving to the exit, a smile appeared on my face and uttered something in my mouth.
"Yo people, be happy, smile always."
~~ The End ~~
By the way, if you can recall and wonder what happened to my shelf. Yes, I totally forgotten about it and left it in the classroom again!!! To think my naggy nature will prevent such situation from happening, I ought to be in a strong daze (or LaLa-land) at that time.
Sigh... guess I will pick it up again when school reopens on the 4th Jan.
Have I (we) move on?
Sure. Definitely.
2010? ... coming soon.
Happy New Year everyone!
From: Mr. A. T.
(you're not the only one in the world)
♥ Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dear all,
school magazine is ready for collection from now till 26 Dec. You can collect them from the school office.
Please pass the word around to your friends - 6RS-ians, 6RP AND anyone from 6CH to 6LO.
Have a nice weekend. :>
Mr. A.T
♥ Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Venue for met up: SurfZone
Date: 18 Dec
Time : 12 !! DUN BE LATEE !!!
If intrested do contact me and tell me yea ? Or you can also tell Cecilia .
For more informatio do contact me in
heartz-boii123@hotmail.com ! ((:
Advistisement is brought to you by 6resilience co.pte ((:
♥ Monday, December 7, 2009
Pics to Relive the good-O-days...
Hi people, I was clearing my lappy recently (goin to send it for servicing, the screen seems to crash any time now) and sorted out the pictures taken on graduation day... just want to share them here... so that you are not 'bored' with my writings all the time.. hahaha...
And so, before I leave on a jet plane, let's relive the good old days... here're the pictures..
Class Photo
(Full attendance, home clothes... rare occasion)
Three Men and A Boy
(or is it... One Man and Three Boys?)
(fine... Four Boys then)
Behind bars...
(haha... not literally of course...)
Those who have taken class pictures, kindly share them with me... for collection sake. Thanks
Mood: Jolly & Nostalgic - "I'm leaving on a Jet Plane... Don't know when I will see them again..."
♥ Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Good day!!!
In case you have forgotten, I'm the first owner of this blog. Haha, hope everyone is doing fine during the holidays. The deadline for secondary school registration has just passed and I wish you the best in getting to the school that you want (and suit you the best).
Now is the time for recharge - a period of rest or play. Well, you deserve this time for the hard work that you have put in. Some of you may be travelling overseas during this break, some may be visiting relatives locally or even in Malaysia. Some may be meeting friends for movie, lunch, basketball, neo-prints taking etc. Of course there are some who have nothing to do and simply, stay at home. One thing for sure, you are not in school having lessons! ... (it's weird, but this is the only thing that I miss during the holidays).
No matter how much you miss your friends or time spent in school, the fact stays - you have already graduated. For you, it's a feeling you are not used to. In the past, you could always look forward to the class that you were promoted to, and knowing that your FRIENDS were still be around, be it in the same or other classes. This time round, nothing is certain. You do not know the school that you are posted to (unless you've been accepted under the Direct School Admission programme), neither do you know your new class, classmates, schoolmates, teachers etc.
Feeling nostalgic? Haha, I do. Well, as I always said, you cannot discount the bonding built within the class. We have come a long way... 5RS + 6RS (form and banded class)... close to 2 yrs, more than 700 days, 4200 hrs, 252 000 min, 15 120 000 sec... no one can take away those memories (of course, people do get old and memory starts to fail them.. hahaha). The challenge is... we MUST get used to this feeling.. the feeling of missing your friends and ADMPS.
Why? This is part and parcel of life. There are many stages in our lives and for every stage, there is a beginning and there is an ending. This cycle occurs many times. Time will heal everything and soon, you will eventually get used to this feeling as you embark on your secondary school life. In fact, some of you are already getting used to this feeling and looking forward to next year. I'm excited for 2010 and I guess you are as well.
Actually, before this year ends, there's something which I'm looking forward to... that's our school magazine! Hmmm, so far there is no news about it but I suppose you can get it when you collect your PSLE certificate some time in December (hopefully I'm back in time to get hold of the magazine). Other than that, I really need this holidays to recharge myself before 2010 kicks in fast and furious.
Hope to keep in touch with you people through this blog... if not, you should know how to reach me if you need to.
Take care! Be happy. Smile always.
Yours truly,
Mr. A. T
(6RS-ians, always in my memory, always in my heart)