♥ Saturday, November 29, 2008
Hihi everyone!
It's been a while since I wrote the last posting. How have you spent your holidays so far? I hope you are fine and happy. If you read or watch the news recently, you will learn that there are so many happenings in the world. Some are quite sad that we question ourselves, "What's wrong with the world?". We must therefore be equiped with knowledge and skills so that we can tell rights and wrongs, and contribute to the well-being of the society, the world.
Well, I hope you can remember the basic structure of a sentence - Subject, Verb and Object. In this posting, I would like you to identify another common item in a sentence. That is Prepositions.
What are Prepositions?
They are words that tell us
(1) Place - where one thing is relation to another/ the position of something
(2) Movement - where a person/an object is moving to (direction)
(3) Time - the time and duration of an event
Place - Examples: in, on, at, beside, on top of, in front, behind, opposite, against, near, between, under, near, among, above, by, ...
I sit at the table. ['at' is the preposition because it tells us where the Subject 'I' is sitting]
He puts the cap on his head. ['on' tells us where the cap is to the head]
Sulaiman sat beside Zi Hui.
Movement - Examples: to, from...to..., across, along, up, down, into, off, towards, over, under, through, out, ...
Let's go to the library this Saturday.
We travelled from the MRT Station to the Marina Stadium for the NE Show.
The boys ran round the field yesterday.
Time - Examples: at, on, in, until, till, during, for, between... and..., and, ...
Jessie and Meena waited for three hours to get the movie tickets.
You must return the report book by Wednesday.
The show will start in ten minutes.
You may realise that some prepositions are repeated under Place, Movement or Time. This means that the words can be used for different reasons. I want you to learn to identify prepositions in sentences. Begin with newspapers or storybooks and list down the prepositions that you can find. Of course, prepositions may not appear in some sentences. So do not be surprised if you cannot find any preposition in a sentence.
That's all for this posting. Rest well, learn well AND play well!
♥ Sunday, November 16, 2008
(Last week of the school term, 10/11 - 14/11)
Hi 5RS-ians! (This is going to be a long long post!)
Time does not take a break. It has gone past so fast that the school year 2008 has officially ended. What a unforgetable P5 year it has been!
I had to say that it was a pity that I missed out your promotion exercise. It wasn't the finale that I would have wanted. I had a urgent matter to attend to and thus could not attend school last Thursday. Nevertheless, everyone has been promoted to P6 next year and you have at least met your P6 classmates. I believe there could be some mixed feelings. Some of you may feel happy and excited to see your friends (or new friends) in the same class. Others may missed the memories that have been created in this P5 year. Well, I too will miss the time we have spent together. The joy, excitement, nerve-wrecking times... ... there are simply too many to list down. Let us store these nice memories in some corner of our brain-ies. Hahaha.
JEP. During the last week, the graduating P6 pupils carried out the JEP activity and all of you (except Sharini) participated in it generously. How do I know? Well, let's look at the pictures to know what you have accomplished on that day.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

From JEP '08: The Soft-toys Family!
Pic taken with the Girls
Pic taken with the Boys
Well well, I will be email-ing you the rest of the pictures taken on the same as the group photos via your lead.com account. I will inform you through the chatbox once I send out the email.
As mentioned, this is going to be a long post. Coming up next: Academic Achievements of 5RS-ians.
Tests and exams are common ways to assess how much you have learnt. In 2008, there are quite a number of 5 RS-ians who have done well in the exams. During the Prize-giving Day '08, three of you had been awarded the Good Progress Award. I will also mention in this post, based on only the pupils in our class, the Best in Subjects and Top Ten positions. The recipients are;
Good Progress Award from 5RS (not in any order)
Lau Lup Huen
Lee Li Ting Joey
Yeo Mei Jun
5RS Best in Subjects
English - Kaiyisah
Mathematics - Eunice Toh
Science - Lup Huen
Malay - Syazwan
Chinese - Joey Lee
5RS Top Ten Positions
1. Eunice
2. Lup Huen
3. Joey
4. Taffy
5. Farhan
6. Jun
7. Yu Xuan
8. Rong Hao
8. Marcus Teo
8. Syazwan
Nope. Your eyes are not seeing double or triple. There are three pupils at No.8 positions because their overall results are the same. Thus, there will be no No.9 and No.10 positions. CONGRATULATIONS to all those named above. Everyone must continue to work hard and strive for better grades.
Your Journals are ready for collection. You can come down to the school and head to my locker No.70 to claim your them. Meanwhile, enjoy your holidays and take care of yourself.
PS: This is not the last post. I will continue to write in this blog till early 2009.
♥ Saturday, November 8, 2008
(Term 4 Wk 9, 3/11 - 7/11)
Woohoo... one more week before the school holidays begin. It also means you have one week of schooling left. Wow... 2008 seems so short, yet so many things have happened. As I got you to read through the class blog on Friday, I was also recollecting the Good, the Bad and the Fond Memories gathered for the past ten months.
Everyone has changed. Since meeting you on Day 1, I have seen you making changes to yourself - learning attitude, interaction with friends, determination to do well in tasks given to you and many more. Most importantly, everyone has a clear picture of the purpose in studying. You know the reason why you are in school. So, like I have explained on the first day of school, you want to do well academically and also develop your character with good values. Give yourself a pat, you've achieved that, at least to my expectation.
Before this turns out to be another nagging post, I shall write something different.
We've talked a lot for the whole year. Come to think of it, there are several phrases or sentences that are repeated almost on a weekly or even daily basis. Let's see if you agree with me.
Popular/Special quotes:
"You are not the only one in the world." ~ by 5rs08.
"Something? What thing? Nothing.... " ~ by QML (whiteboard master)
"Thumb-B?" ~ by InD
"hahaha... haha... (always laughing hysterically)" ~ by LYZ and Eu, TJY.
"But why?" ~ by Mar, TWH.
"Horr................. I know already." ~ by LRH.
"Got meh?" ~ by LRH.
" T'Cher, you Lame lah!" ~ by ... the boys (most of the time)
"Class stand!" ~ by Mel, LBH.
"Good morning class! Please take a seat." ~ by 5rs08.
"T'cher go toilet." ~ by those who want to go to the toilet but always ask the teacher to go first.
Can you remember these quotes? Did they get you laughing? I hope so and I think there could be more. Perhaps you can share more in the comment section and I will add them in the next post.
Alright. Do up your journal - the final chapter. I will see you on Monday.
Rest well.
♥ Sunday, November 2, 2008
(Term 4 Wk 8, 27/10 - 31/10)
Exams are over. They just flew by in a blink. Weeks ago you were going through your revision (I hope so!). Now, your life calms down to a pace that is more relaxing, much relieved.
Very soon, you will be harvesting - for all the hardwork you've put in for 2008. Going through exams scripts and doing correction. These are the 'activities' that you always participate after exams. Watch out for them!
Well, the obvious way to tell what you've achieved is from your results. How much improvement have I made? Where are my strengths, my weaknesses? How else can I do to better the results. There are tons of questions you can ask yourself pertaining to the area of academic achievement.
I just want to say that beside academic aspects, you should also look at the changes in your behaviour, personalities, conduct, attitudes... - simply put: your maturity since the start of the year. These are areas that you cannot just use marks to tell how good you are. You know yourself, how much you've grown up. I, too, have an opinion in every one of you in terms of your maturity. Overall, I am very pleased even though I feel I could have done much better to shaping you to be a better person.
We have two more weeks before school ends. You might want to spend some time to ponder/ reflect on the YEAR 2008. The time can never rewind. (Maybe I will get you to do some reflection in your journal regarding this ... ... )
Well, I shall end here. I still have more to say but I think I will keep it for the next posting.
Work? Freestyle journal writing.
Mood: Calm. Retracking the special moments in 2008.