♥ Sunday, July 27, 2008
(Term 3 Week 5, 21/7 - 25/7)
The show has ended. Yes, the P5 AEP Production on Monday was a success. I must say that it was a good show. A really really good show. We were the first class to present but there was no stage fright shown by everyone - maybe it wasn't obvious. Nevertheless, let me congratulate you again - Well done 5 RESILIENCE --> Narrator, Mr & Mrs Muthusamy, 3 Parrots, King & his Guards, and Villagers from the Home & Palace! I'm proud of you.
The photos (on the stage) will be put soon once I've gotten them. I've put up photos taken during our rehearsal in the class. So, enjoy the pictures at the end of this post.
Before you took a breather after the AEP Production, you prepared and went on a PBL Heritage trip to one of the six heritage sites on Thursday. Some groups visited Old Colonial House (Sembawang) and Changi Chapel. Others had a walk through of Civic District 1 & 2. There were also the exploration of McRitchie Reservoir and Labrador Park done by some of you.
From the feedback given, I could tell that it was definitely a meaningful trip, especially those who visited those sites for the very first time. Referring back to the problem statement in the booklet, think of ways to help solve the problem --> how to attract more visitors to the site to learn about the history of Singapore. Work together as a group. Come up with a PowerPoint presentation, skit, song or even brochure to share about the site that you've visited. We'll go through this again on coming Monday, 28/7.
For MA, we've completed 80% of the topic Percentage. Yes, 20% more to go. Perhaps you can read up on the meaning of GST. We'll be learning about GST soon.
As for SCI, do not forget about the key concepts of Electric Circuits. Coming up soon - How can we use Electricity Wisely?
Please check that you've done the following;
1. EL - U8 Topical WS (selected questions)
2. MA - WS on Ratio
3. EL - Journal (optional)
Here are the photos. Stay tuned for more.
The Rehearsal

The Center View

The 'Right' View
The View on the Left
Mood: After some rest, I feel refreshed.
♥ Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Do not be too surprised. I just feel like writing a journal. Just a simple one.
Do you sometimes feel that you've too many things to do and you are not your usual self? Well, that's part of life. Life is full of happenings. They can be good or bad. Exciting or boring. When you get too tight up with your work (be it school work or other work), you can take a break - or in another word, RELAX.
Step away from what you've doing. Leave it alone for a while and do something else. Listen to music. Watch a few minutes of TV show. Talk to someone. In fact, you can also do 'nothing'. After you've taken that short little rest, you may feel refreshed when you get back to work. Sometimes, you may understand the work a little better.
So, try this method next time and see if it works for you. I am going to share with you one picture. When I feel tired from work, I will look at it to 'relax'. Enjoy.
♥ Sunday, July 20, 2008
(Term 3 Wk 4, 14/7 - 18/7)
It is already the end of week 4 for Term 3. Time really flies fast. There are so many things that have happened and many more to come by soon.
As the title suggests, you could have guessd that I will be talking about our AEP (Arts Education Programme) production. It is coming up on the Monday (21/7) as we celebrate Racial Harmony Day. Simply, I just want to say that many of you have shown the attitude that I expect to see for the AEP production. There are different roles for our edited reader threatre act and not everyone is assigned the role that he/she originally wanted. Despite that, many of you do your best in the role assigned to you.
Let me tell you. With such attitude, you show that you are the reliable one who will do the very best in the work given to you. Your friend will enjoy doing work/project with you because they know that you can do the work well. The teacher is rest assured in the work given to you. At home, everyone will know you will always try your best.
I shall stop here by briefly go through the work needed for this weekend. Have a check if you have done...
1. Journal: Freestyle or 'If I am (any character from Mr & Mrs Muthusamy)... "
2. MA: AB Percentage Act 1.
Rest well everyone. The show starts on Monday.
Mood: Good. Always smiling : )
♥ Sunday, July 13, 2008
(Term 3 Wk 3, 8/7 - 11/7)
Hi everyone.
If you are wondering why this post comes a little later than usual, it is due to some Internet connection problems that I'm facing at home. Nevertheless, I still manage to write up this post - it has been a weekly habit!
Well, I believe the most prominent happening in week 3 would be the rehearsing of our Reader Theatre activity. The cast (everyone included) had a good run-through on the whole script. We even tried out on the stage last Friday. I must say that it was a good try despite doing it on stage for the very first time. Furthermore, we had to continue with our curriculum which made our schedule so packed. Thus, I must praise everyone's effort to practise for the AEP production on the 21st Jul, Monday.
As tomorrow starts (we've structured programme), we'll again continue on our studies. Prepare for new topics coming up but we'll definitely do up the correction first for the topics that have been taught. So stay healthy and happy!
For the weekend, we've;
1. EL - Journal
2. MA - TB Activities
Mood: Excited (even for the weeks ahead)
♥ Monday, July 7, 2008
(Term 3 Wk 2, 30/6 - 4/7)
What do I mean by an 'extended' week? Well, usually we have a 5-day school week - one that begins one Monday and lasts on Friday. Sometimes, the week can be shorter when there is holiday. Week 2 is an extended week because most of you were back for the NE Show 2008 at Marina Bay Promenade on Saturday.
NE SHOW 2008. The atmosphere was great, as we went through the Show with several other schools. Everyone was in red! There was the breath-taking performance by the parachuters, landing right in front of our very eyes. Not to forget the awesome F-16 planes zooming in the skies - the sound of the planes nearly pop my heart out of the body! The equally majestic marching parade by the different contingents - Army, Airforce, Navy, Police and many others! Especially the song items, I must really say that after hearing and singing them for so many years, I still feel excited when they were played. I believe you will have your own share of experience for the Show. Those who couldn't make it on last Saturday, you'll get your chance in years to come.
Now, we must also remember what were done in Week 2. A
brief recap includes the completion of the Science Topic 'Electrical Circuits' and the start of 'Average' in Maths. We also began our first structured programme for Term 3. You've taken your height and weight too. I believe I may have missed some events here or there. You can mention them under the comments section whenever you've the time.
What's for the week?
1. EL - Journal (to be done in school)
2. MA - AB Practice 2 (Average) & Review 4 (except the last 4 questions)
Well, I hope I did not miss out much. Do not forget to bring your thermometer on Wednesday as we'll be having the temperature-taking exercise.
Before I sign off, please note that I'll be putting up the script for AEP presentation in the new post. We'll decide who will play the characters when school reopens on Tuesday.
Here are some of the pictures that I've taken at the NE Show. Not many, if you've pictures that you want to share, you can email me or pass them to me in school through thumbdrive etc.

At the seating gallery ...
Hmmm, what's in the goodie bag?
Wave the flags!
Making of the heart shape by the Black Knights
The completed heart shape!
Showing off the stickers on our hands!
and the face too!
Have a good rest! :>