(Term 3 Wk 1, 23/6 - 27/6)
Wakey wakey everyone! Pardone me as I am writing this post on a Sunday morning.
First of all, let's welcome everyone back to school. This week marked the first week of Term 3. Time really flies and we're into the latter stage of your P5 journey. It's going to be another fun, busy, joyful, enriched and (maybe) tired experience for you.
Perhaps I can apply something we've learnt in class this week to better describe the upcoming few weeks. Adverbs of Degree! It's going to be another extremely fun, quite busy, too joyful, very enriched and rather tired experience for you. Can you think of more adverbs of degree? Ponder on.
We've also gone through the topic of Measurements in Mathematics. Just remember that in this topic, the key concepts are converting (i) a larger unit of measurement to a smaller unit, and (ii) a smaller unit of measurement to a larger unit. Units are very important so do not leave out your units in your workings and answers.
In Science, we've looked at 'Electricity'... not exactly but we've learnt about the uses of electricity in our daily lives. To better understand electricity, we will first learn about electric circuit - its components and the functions of every component. Read up on the first topic again and be prepared for some electrifying experiments coming up in week 2! (Get ready for new hairstyle! Hehehe)
NE Show 2008 is coming pretty soon. In fact, it's on the coming Saturday, 05 July. Remember to return the consent on Monday (that's tomorrow!). Bring your thermometer along and make sure it's working.
Work for the weekend... let's have a look;
1. EL: U7 WS - Sect A to E (Find the meanings of the MCQ options for Section D and write them on a blank piece of paper --> to be stapled to the main WS.)
2. Joural Writing: My Dream Occupation.
Remember the lesson on Clowns & Magician and you did a clown mask? Those who had submitted displayed unique creativity. Generally most clown masks are 'happy' expressions and I've decided to show the pictures here in our class blog. Enjoy.
Whose mask is it?
Can you find your mask here?
Or is it here?Mood: A sunny Sunday... I'm definitely feeling... bright and happy!
(June Holidays 2008)
Pardon me. It's been a pretty long while since I said those words. I miss saying those words to you, haha. How's your holidays so far? I hope the break has been meaningful. Some of you truly rested during the holidays - going overseas trips, visiting places of interests in Singapore and even joining family gatherings. Others might have enjoyed long hours of electronic gaming, watched a few movies and also helped your parents in one way or another. No matter what you've done, make sure that the time has been well spent.

Picture taken from http://www.kungfupanda.com/ on 15 June 2008.
Well, I watched two movies during this break - Prince Caspian: Chronicles of Nardia & Kung Fu Panda. I caught the latter just two days ago and I really enjoyed the show. For those who has not watched Kung Fu Panda, let me briefly share the storyline here:
"Long long time ago... alright, cut it short. The movie is about a Panda who managed to relish its dream to become a Kung Fu (Chinese martial arts) expert and beat a strong opponent to save the village."
Too brief? Hmmm, the interesting part is where a Panda (called Po) who was fat and totally unskilled in martial arts trained to become proficient in kung fu. Po was never going to be a Kung Fu expert. Many thought so, even himself. However, Master Oogway (pronounced as Wu Gui - yes, in chinese, it means Tortoise) encouraged Po to believe in himself to achieve what he always wanted to achieve - to be a Kung Fu expert.
Yes. This is what I want to focus on in this blog. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Very often, we complain 'we cannot do it', 'it's difficult', 'I don't know' etc. By saying that, we will never accomplish the work. We must change the thinking and start to believe we can do it, if not, do the very best in the work given. When you believe in yourself, you will always strive to overcome any obstacle or problem you face.
Example: I cannot do this word problem. It's so difficult.
What happened next? --> The word problem is left not done. (And you will never know how to solve the word problem!)
Now change it to:
I know the word problem is difficult BUT I know I can learn to solve it. (Belief!)
What happened next? --> You will find ways to solve the problem. (You can learn to understand the problem, break up the word problem, use a simpler method to solve it ... )
So, believe in yourself in whatever you do. It can be school work or even a task of folding your own blanket properly!
It's going to be a week left before you return to school. Make good use of this time to relax, stay cool and be happy. I shall now return to my sweety bed and make my way to LaLa-Land. Haha.
Mood: I'm feeling... zzz...zz...z....