♥ Friday, April 25, 2008
(Term 2 Wk 6, 21/4 - 25/4)
Gd day everyone.
Time really flies. Week 6 just flew past quickly. There were lots of learning and work done within the past 5 days. We also had our 'potential' 1.6km run which ended up being postponed due to bad weather. By the way, the 1.6km run will be conducted after your exams. Meanwhile, focus on your exams (and do NOT ask me the exact date for the run, I will let you once I'm informed of the date).
Let's take a look at the weekend work (& revision)
EL: Booklet A (Complete all)
MA: AB WS Practice 2 & 3 (Complete selected questions, You can also complete all)
Sci: Topical WS 1 on Reproduction of Animals & Plants (complete all)
Yes, you do not have to write Journal for week 6. However, if you want, you can still write an entry and submit to me.
CONGRATS to 5 Resilience for being awarded the March Punctuality Award! Being punctual for school is another great value one should have. This applies to your life beyond school. For example, we must be on time for tuition, movie, family outing etc etc. Here's the picture of the certificate that was awarded to us.
March Punctuality Award!

Here're some pictures taken during the Science Trail in the school garden.
Desert Plants



Hmmm, let us have a closer look.

Let's draw this beautiful hibiscus. 
Moving on to plants at the pond
Another plant at the pond. What is this plant?

Duckweed --> Plant that floats on the water

Having a closer look at the plants

Well that's what I've shared. Before I log off, please rest well and study well too.
♥ Saturday, April 19, 2008
(Term 2 Week 5, 14/4 - 18/4)
Hihi everyone,
What a week that has swiftly passed! Let's have a flashback. On Tues, you had your M.T Paper 1. On Wed, there was English Paper 1. Thursday was a long day when you took your M.T and English Oral Examinations. Lastly, on Friday (that's yesterday), we went to the Science Centre for a lesson on D.N.A. I truly enjoyed and learnt during the trip. What about you?
The work for this weekend;
EL - Journal
EL - Syn & Trans Pract 1 - Direct to Indirect Speech
Maths - Pract 5 'Word Problems on Ratio'
Before I end off, here's the showcase of some of the pictures I took during the lesson at Science Centre. Smiles!
Put on Lab Coat. Stayed focus.

Lesson: What is D.N.A?
Protecting our hands with gloves.

One sample, two sample, three sample...
Four samples! (and a stick)

Whose samples are these?
Hmmm, can you remember the smell of the solvent?
Extracting the DNA from the mixture.
(Who's the brave soul?)

Job done. Time to wash our hands!
Second Activity: Making D.N.A model.
Samples of the D.N.A model
(no picture)
(I will show the pictures in the class. Unless I have the permission of those who are in the pictures, I'll not publish the pictures in the blog. Remember, copyright lesson.)
♥ Saturday, April 12, 2008
(Term 2 Week 4, 7/4 - 11/4)
Good day 5RS!
Are you tired out from your NAPFA test? I could see all of you try to do your very best at all the station yesterday. Applaud for your effort and determination!
Week 4 has zoomed past swiftly and we'll be looking forward to Week 5. What's happening in Week 5? Just a short preview of the events: MT and EL Paper 1, Oral, Science Trail and of course, Learning Trip to Science Centre. It is definitely an exciting week ahead!
Before we move on, let's have a look at the work for this weekend.
EL: Journal & Second Draft (A Day in the Park)
Maths: TB (Read & Try) pg155 - 160, Q1-7.
You are to go through your Creative Writing package to revise for your Paper 1. Shall see you on Monday. Rest, Revise and ...........
Mood: I'm feeling hungry... but I'm still smiling.
♥ Saturday, April 5, 2008
(Term 2 Week 3, 31/3 - 4/4)
Hihi everyone!
I hope all of you are having a good rest over weekend. Yes, the week went by quickly as usual, especially most of you took the immunisation jabs (I hope your arms are moving fine!). The pace will not slow down - preparation for the mid-year examination, other events such as NAPFA test and trip to Science Centre. Please remember to stay HEALTHY and HAPPY. Eat well, rest well and smile as well.
What's there to do? Let's see;
EL: Journal
EL: Unit 4 Topical WS, Complete Compre Cloze
Maths: AB Practice 6
Sci: Read up Chapter 5
Mood: I'm resting well... and smiling. Are you?